Post Cereal Promotion: Enter your PIN and get a free Spider-Man comic book

Post Cereal has a promotion to get a free Spider-Man Digital Comic Book. To get your free comic follow the steps:

  1. Purchase specially-marked boxes of Post cereals. Participating cereals are: Honey Bunches, Honey Bunches with Almonds, Honeycomb and Shreddies.
  2. Locate the Pin inside the box of your cereal.
  3. Go to the following page:
  4. Enter your email address and the PIN code you found inside your cereal box, and then select either Part 1 or Part 2 of the comic book series.
  5. You can re-enter the same PIN and email address at any time during the promotion period to re-read the comic book. Limit one comic book part per PIN.
  6. All PINS must be entered by noon ET on October 31, 2017.

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