Enter the Molson Canadian 2017 Contest for a chance to win one of the 150 personalized beer fridges.
1. To enter the contest, you have to nominate the great Canadian who inspires you.
2. There are 3 ways to send your nomination:
- Share a photo on Facebook or Instagram of the Canadian who inspires you. In the caption, include the hashtag #ATasteOfWhoWeAre, a few words about what makes them a great Canadian, and their location.
- Comment on select Molson Canadian Facebook or Instagram posts, telling them about your great Canadian using #ATasteOfWhoWeAre and your location (Town, Province).
- Go to the page of the contest by clicking here and submit your entry there.
3. Every Monday during the period of the contest a jury will select the winners.
I would like to nominate Julie Salach-Simard for the Molson Canadian 2017 Contest to win a personalized beer fridge, she works in the field of organizing groups to sponsor refugees. Over the last 20 years she has been involved in bringing over 1500 refugees. She trains volunteers to prepare them to help resettle refugees in the first year of their Canadian Experience, from greeting the refugees ar the airport, finding apartments, furnishing the apartments, and making sure that all teams open their hearts in allowing these newcomers to integrate in our Canadian Culture. In the last couple of years she has been involved in recruiting and training over 40 teams of volunteers in Ottawa Ontario area to bring in over 250 Syrian refugees. The Syrian’s are integrating very well in our Canadian Society learning English and getting jobs, and learning the Canadian way to live in a safe country. Julie follows up with volunteers and newcomer families to make sure that they are settling into their new home and to provide further referral assistance if required.