Kia Across Canada Contest. Win a $1,500 Photography Prize Pack

Enter the new Kia Canada Contest for a chance to win a photography prize pack that includes a $1,000 DSLR camera with an SD card, and a $500 pre-paid Visa card.

  1. This contest is open to legal residents of Canada who have reached the legal age of majority.
  2. To enter, simply take a picture of you celebrating Canada’s 150th on the Canada Day long weekend with your Kia.
  3. Once you have your photo, enter the official page of the contest at
  4. Fill the online form by entering your personal details (name, email) and upload your photo.
  5. You can submit your photo until July 14, 2017 at 11:59:59 p.m. A panel of judges appointed by the Sponsor will judge each photo in order to select the winner of the contest.
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Contests in Canada