Froot Loops has a new contest in which you can instantly win a $10,000 trip to anywhere in Canada for you and 3 friends. To enter follow the instructions:
- Purchase a specially marked package of Froot Loops Birthday Cake cereal.
- To obtain a Froot Loops PIN Code without purchase, send a request for one, together with a self-addressed postage-paid envelope, to: Froot Loops Canada’s 150th Birthday Contest, P.O. Box 4099, Paris, Ontario, N3L 3W9. A PIN Code and a copy of the Contest Rules will be returned in each self-addressed, postage-paid envelope received, while supplies last.
- Visit the website of the contest at
- Click the “Enter your PIN code” button, register using your email and afterwards enter your code.
- There is one Instant Win Prize available to be won at the outset of this Contest. One PIN Code is randomly seeded as a potential Instant Win Prize winning code amongst all participating PIN Codes.
where do I enter this PIN ??????