Food Network Eh! or Nay! 2017 Contest. Win up to $10,000 at

Enter Food Network Canada’s Eh! or Nay! 2017 Contest for a chance to win a year’s worth of groceries, KitchenAid Ultra Power Series Mixers, Flight Centre Gift Cards and more.
1. Visit the official website of the contest at
2. Click the Play the Game button and vote for your favourite recipe. To be able to vote you will have to register on the website.
3. Every vote you submit counts as a chance to win an instant Secondary Prize. Each time you vote, you also receive an entry into the Grand Prize draw.
4. To get 1,000 bonus entries, simply subscribe to the Food Network Canada newsletter on the official website.

  1. I have been trying to sign up to play the game and it won’t let me cause there is a jessaca thst is using my id

  2. For the past two days I can’t get onto the webpage at all.

  3. I can’t get into the website

  4. I haven’t been able to get into the website since July 1.

  5. I’ve been trying to get on to vote but it keeps saying “Thanks Jessica “. I’m not Jessica

  6. Does anyone know how to get on to the contest
    Because I was on a while ago and got like a thousand entry’s and today I tried to get on and it’s not working

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Contests in Canada