Edmonton Oilers Rookie Writers Contest: Win a VIP Oilers experience and more

Enter now the Edmonton Oilers Rookie Writers Contest, in it, you get the chance to Win a VIP Oilers experience and more.

The contest is open only to residents of Oil Country (any locations in Alberta north of and including the City of Red Deer, Alberta), who are between 8 and 13 years old.

To enter, the kid has to submit a short story featuring the Edmonton Oilers, Hunter and/or Rogers Place. The stories should focus on how the power and spirit of hockey can inspire kids and make a difference in our communities and has to be 500 words or less.

To submit the story, visit the contest website, download the template, write the story, then complete the entry form with the required information, upload the story and submit it.

The contest closes on February 25, 2024.  Winner will be chosen by a judging panel.

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