Catelli Contest 2017: Win a Dream Family Reunion

Enter the Catelli Contest for a chance to win one of the 3 Family Reunion Experiences with an approximate value of $10,000 CA each.
1. Visit the official website of the contest
2. Enter your personal information and fill all the required fields.
3. Tell a story in 200 words or less about who you would bring to your family reunion this summer.
4. A judging panel will decide the possible winners of the contest.

1 Comment
  1. Hi, my name is Jeannine Hache and I did participate at the contest. I didn’t know but my cousin Denise Boudreau participate for this contest too. She’s not in my direct family but a cousin of me. Now, would she be deleted from the contest or I will. I’m so sorry of that misunderstood and I do apologyze of not seeing that only one in a family can apply or maybe, we did have the right to enter the contest. Can you please help me for that. I will really appreciate because I feel really upset. Thank you so much for your time. I sure do appreciate to get an answer from you. Jeannine Hache, Bathurst, NB

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